The home heating assistance program provides up to $300 per household to anyone in need residing within the nine counties of the Diocese of Kalamazoo (Allegan, Barry, Berrien, Branch, Calhoun, Cass, Kalamazoo, St Joseph, and Van Buren counties). The program helps households defray heating expenses and obtain heating resources (fuel oil, natural gas, electricity, firewood, etc).
In 2024, we aided 244 households in our community, impacting 660 individuals and keeping them warm through a cold winter. The Home Heating Assistance Program is generously funded through a special collection taken in November -- with funds contributed from more than 50 parishes and missions across the Diocese of Kalamazoo. This year's collection will be on November 23/24, 2024 or click here to donate now.
Volunteers at Catholic Charities, the parishes, and partnering organizations administer the program to maximize its impact. Parishes/missions may keep 20% of the funds collected for local use, serving the poor and vulnerable. The remaining 80% is contributed to the program and given out to families in need. Please consider giving generously to support our brothers and sisters through the cold winter months ahead.