This program/outreach seeks to support and provide resources to persons with disabilities, their parents and caregivers, pastors, and parish staff. Our goal is to ensure meaningful participation for individuals with disabilities and their families in all aspects of the life of the Church regardless of type, severity or age of onset of disability.
PLEASE CONTACT the Diocesan Pastoral Center at 269-349-8714 for more information regarding these services.
Sanctity of the Human Person - Persons with Disabilities
Disability is a very broad term that encompasses the human life span from the womb to old age. It refers to the experience of living with a physical, developmental, cognitive, sensory, emotional or mental impairment.
We offer:
- Support and resources for parishes seeking to increase accessibility and inclusion into the social, educational and liturgical life of the parish community.
- Consultation, resources and support for parish religious education and sacramental prep programs.
- Monthly Caregiver Connection Zoom support group for those caring for a person with disabilities.
- Creative Connections Zoom gathering for persons with disabilities - meets every other month.
- Annual Advent Family Gathering.
- Annual Mass & Picnic with the Bishop.
- Retreats and Days of Reflection for Adults with cognitive/developmental disabilities.
As an advisory body to the Bishop, this commission advances diocesan and parish ministry to persons with disabilities. As a working body this commission assists in the strategizing, planning and implementation of the programs and services that comprise this ministry. The term of membership is three years and renewable. The commission meets six times during the year.
In addition to the general qualities/characteristics listed above, those nominated to serve should: demonstrate commitment to the dignity of each person as created in the image and likeness of God; have interest in and/or experience with persons with disabilities and/or training in a field related to disabilities; possess a willingness to serve as a resource person and/or plan or lead programs related to disabilities.